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My cat has multiple problems...

18 14:04:35

Hi, my cat is having problems with her behind. She keeps biting her behind area (behind her thighs and the base of her tail) to the point where she has bald spots and her fur hasn't grown back since she is still chewing up her legs and tail. She has done hie every summer but this year is worse. Also she has problems eating. We cook and feed her chicken breasts since she refuses to go near any cat food we buy from the store. (No matter what brand or flavor of cat food, she rejects it even if it is chicken cat food.) A while ago she started to throw up her food frequently, but not every time and this is starting to worry me. We don't know if it is stress or lack of vitamins or something else. Please help?

Your cat needs to see a vet. A cat cannot live on chicken breasts- they will get very sick and develop heart problems.
The biting of her legs is probably unrelated but she sounds as if she has a flea allergy. You may not see fleas on her, but one flea will set an allergic cat off for days, biting and ripping out hair.

She might also have a hormonal problem, which will cause this hair pulling.

In either case she is in need of a good exam by a vet.
As far as her diet goes, picky cats are not born, but created by switching foods constantly and feeding human foods. Giving in to a cat when she turns away from one thing encourages them to continue to do so.

Any cat will eat cat food, which if of good quality, is formulated for a cats nutritional needs. (Grocery store foods do NOT fit into this category. Chicken is not. She could also be developing an intolerance to the chicken which will make her vomit. This is not uncommon when that's all she is being fed.

Talk to your vet about getting her dietary needs straightened out because at this rate she won't live a very long life on chicken alone.

But she really needs to see a vet soon. Please get her in to see one soon.