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Our hamster recently has been...

18 15:54:42

Our hamster recently has been having seizures?? at least we are assuming they are seizures. she lays on her side, eyes buldging a little, then comes to about a minute later. It just happened twice in the past week. We've had her a year and a half and this has never happened before. Is this common???

Hi Anna!

Hamsters can suffer from strokes and these most often occur overnight when the hamster is active. The hamster may appear unco-ordinated with semi-paralysis on one side of the body resulting in a head tilt and inability to walk straight. The hamster may also fall over repeatedly or be unable to sit up.

Many hamsters do recover well from strokes but it is essential in the early days following a stroke that the hamster continues to eat and drink and depending on the severity of the stroke it may be necessary to hand feed the hamster and take it to the water bottle to enable it to drink, or place the hamster in the nest with some food and move the water bottle close to the nest.

Hamsters that have suffered strokes usually show some improvement within a couple of days and will continue to improve over the next few weeks, regaining their mobility and co-ordination. However, some head tilt may remain.

Another cause of head tilt and loss of balance may be an ear infection and therefore if the hamster shows no improvement within a day or two veterinary advice should be sought as it may be a cureable ear infection.

I would take her to the vet just to be sure of the diagnosis and treatment.This is not commom in hamsters,so there probably is a health problem here.

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give that hammy millions of kisses for me!