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Kidney Insufficiency

18 15:44:43

Dr Jen:

My 16 yr old feline torti was diagnosed with Kidney Insufficiency/Kidney Failure :-(

She had a blood profile, urinalysis, and x-ray of kidneys. Kidneys are normal size. No infection noted in urine.

She has been throwing up, has lost weight, NOT eating much, and doesn't use litter box much!

She doesn't appear to like K/D, but will at least lick IVD. I have been spoon feeding her yogurt. HELP! I don't want to lose my sweet kitty!

Are there any herbs or supplements that will help regenerate the kidneys?

Any info will be appreciated!

Thank You,

Hello Doug,

You want to feed her a good quality protein source, so offer her cooked organic chicken breast or turkey.   YOu can also try MEAT baby food.  Sometimes we will offer them prescription A/D food to jump start them.  Ideally, a diet formulated for kidney disease is best but often times when they don't feel well they turn their nose up at it.

You can give PEPCID A/C at a dose of 2.5 mg once a day to help reduce nausea.

Fluid Treatments are recommended to help flush the kidneys...the fluids are given under the skin and can even be done at home by should ask your veterinarian to show you how to do it.

B complex vitamins are good to help combat anemia and help increase energy.  PET-TINIC or LIQUI-TINIC are two formulations available for pets....or you could give her human vitamins....1/4 of a children's dose.

I would really recommend getting her on Transfer Factor Feline Complete as this will help boost her immune system, slow down progression of disease and increase her appetite.   It is an all-in-one nutritional supplement designed especially for cats.  Or you could try the Animal Stress Pack, which is for acutely ill animals.
You can dissolve either of them in water and give by syringe or mix it in her food.   I know several cats on it with kidney problems and they are doing very well.  I give both to my cats daily since they have multiple health issues.

Good luck!
Dr. Fry