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my dog got into a fight

18 15:56:09

Hi, I appreciate you helping me out. We just got a german sheperd that is a female and 2 years old. We've had her for about a week and she has not been good with other animals. She got into a fight with my little 7 year old jack russel terrior. She just clamped down on his head and would not let go. I am 16 and im pretty big. Im not skinny is what I'm trying to say. Me my mother and my aunt did everything humanly possible to get her off, and we couldnt for awhile. We finally got ahold of her coller and pulled her off. WELL, the jack russel has several puncture wounds and it looks as if the german sheperd has crushed his skull maybe? some of them are very deep including the one on his head. Just wondering what some signs of shock are. We gave him an aspirin and wondering if we could give him an anti inflammitory for the swelling. And also, we couldnt get ahold of the vet today so wondering if we should take him in the morning. Thanks so much,

Hi Ben!

I would HIGHLY suggest you separate your dogs immediately to prevent any more problems.Also, for the Germand Shephard that bit the other doggie,I would recommend putting a muzzle right on his beak to make sure no more fights occur.

As for the Jack Russell,I would HIGHLY recommend taking him to a veterinarian right in the morning to treat all the wounds.

If it is bleeding,you need to stop that immediately.As soon as possible apply firm pressure to the wound with your hand or a clean piece of cloth.Maintain the pressure until the bleeding stops,usually within a few minutes.If the bleeding doesn't stop,get your pet to the vet right away.

Next,you have to clean it throughly with some fine scissors(vets recommend electric scissors),cut all the hair around it that's surronding it.Be sure not to get any of the hair in the wound,because if the hair gets matted down it could become infected.To prevent the hair from falling into the wound,you can apply a thin layer of K Y Jelly to the wound.The hairs will adhere the jelly,which then can be easily washed away.

Although doing a thorough cleaning is critical,vets generally don't recommend applying anticeptics like hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol because they can further irritate injured tissue.

If your dog lick the Jelly off,it can do no harm.It could actually help heal the wound mechanically of debris.

Watch out for abcesses.While most minor will heal on their own occasionally an abcess will form.Because abcesses do not drain the infection can spread internally.Do not try to treat it yourself.

You should take him to a vet right way for prper treatment!

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give that Jack Russell Terrier and Germand Shepherd millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!