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Bumps under the skin and pimple-like growths

18 15:46:55

I have a very old golden retrever/mutt, @ 13 years old
(When I adopted him from the pound, they estimated he was 2.5
years old)
He has gelatinous bumps under his skin as well as pimple like
eruptions (they actually look like white nipples)
What are they?  What can I do to get rid of them?
Many, many thanks
Kate McGee
10227 Big Rock Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901

At his age, it would not surprise me if he had some benign tumors on his skin.  You are describing a lipoma (the gelatinous lump) and perhaps a histiocytoma (the white nipple like lesions).  You should let your vet take a look at these to make sure what they are.