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pancreatitis in dogs

18 15:55:29

my dog rascal was fine 7 days ago...then he slowly became tired...vomiting and weak....i took him to our vet after 1 day...he gave him two shots and some pills...we went day he was worse unable to stand...took him to hospital...treated for 3 days...had diebeties and pancreatitis and a mild case of phnemonia.....he died yesterday from a heart attack....all i want to know is how does a healthy dog go from healthy to dead in 7 days...even when we got him the best of care...and the hospital realy tried....please tell me...

Im so sorry about your baby.

but pneumonia can be very deadly as well as pancreatitis. Especially if the pancreas was necrotic. Diabetes can suddenly kill a pet also.

Unfortunately, many pets are so good at hiding illnesses until they are very sick.