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1 week old kittens

18 15:55:28

I have 5 kittens born August 6 that lost their mother last night. What can I do to give them a chance? Will goat's milk provide adequate nutrition?
Thank You

Hi there!  I am so sorry that the mother did not make it.  The kittens will need alot of care.  They will need KMR (kitten milk replacer) that can be obtained at any pet store. Cow's milk and goat's milk can cause diarrhea, which will dehydrate babies this small. They will need you to feed them with a syringe, bottle or eye dropper every 2-4 hours.  Each week you can put one more hour between feedings.  Then by the sixth week, moist canned food should be introduced.  They should then be completely weaned by the 7th-8th week, when hard cat food can be introduced.
During this time, you will need to keep them very warm.  Keep them in a box with blankets.  Under the box, put a heating pad on low and cover it with a blanket or towel to prevent burning.  If you do not have a heating pad, you can use soda bottles filled with hot water and wrapped in towels.
You will also need to stimulate them before and after each feeding to urinate and deficate.  Their mother would do this during bathing.  You can do this by taking a warm wash cloth or baby wipe and gently rubbing their anus.  This will make them defecate and urinate.  The feces should be soft, not hard and not liquidy, and a yellowish-brown in color.  
As long as you feed and keep them warm, they should do wonderfully.  Please keep me posted as to how they are doing and if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!