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18 14:54:40

I live in the mountains of Japan and my ferret is 5 years old now,and she got out last night. she came back shortly after and had little sticky black seed things on her(mostly between her legs), so i gave her a shower and succefully removed them all. Although i didnt notice it then, this morning i came to check on her and her face had an unusual "poof" swollen look to it mostly between her eyes. I dont want it to get worse, will my ferret not be able to see eventually?? I read another question and it said to give them some beneydryl, Will she die if I dont? My guess is an ant bite, will it wear off?

Miranda -

Unfortunately, I will not be able to determine what the sticky black seed things are without seeing them. I cannot determine if your pet is experieicing ant bites without a physical exam.  

Have your pet examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell,DVM