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Concern about my puppy

18 15:00:44

My 4 yr old Maltese gave birth to 4 puppies. I took them all to the vet to get a well check and he said they were doing fine. Now I'm a bit concern because this was on March 25th, 2009 the puppies are 22 days old, they were on schedule as far as opening their eyes and they are walking although they wobble a bit but, one of my puppies actually the second female born although she gets up and walks, she falls or drops after a few steps unlike the rest. I took her to the vet and he says that there is nothing wrong and she will eventually pick up her pace. I just want to know if I this is true or should I be considering looking for a new vet? The reason why I have not gone to a second vet is that they are expensive and since I already have a vet, I just don't want to go spend the money to get the same answer. Please help. as far as helping my puppy, I have been trying to push her to walk (not literally) but I help her get on her feet and I massage her back legs. Her front legs are fine.

I think you are a bit worried for nothing. You need to just wait a bit. 22 days old is really young. If her rear legs are not twisted or deformed, she will walk and get stronger on her own time.
Just give her another week or two to get stronger and mature more.