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blood from anus

18 15:23:27

my dog is eleven yrs old. she now has bright blood on her rear end. she ate some trash and part of a diaper when i was not watching her. she is fine other than no appetite. she left a big! 1/2 hard and 1/2 soft poop for me to find and now is bleeding in phases. it was very clear looking but now is less in amount and kind of clotted. i am sure its just the trash. she threw up some and had a big poop. so could the pushing cause that much bleeding or do i just need to let her go. she is very active despite a bum eye and seizures.

It is possible for straining to cause temporary bleeding.  If it continues more than a short while it would be best to have her seen by your veterinarian.  Given the trash incident and feces created straining could very likely have been the cause.