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Flamepoint Siamese

18 14:44:18

I have a concern about my cat's eyes and ears. For the past couple months I have been dealing with wiping my cats right eye with kitty eye wipes. A dark brown discharge comes out and dries in the corner of his eyes. Sometimes he has slimy brown discharge in his eye. He licks his paw and rubs his eye often and sometimes squints that eye. Now with the ear, there is dark brown wax looking stuff in there. When we adopted Bibble from the Tri-County Humane Society about two years ago, he had ear mites, so he was given Miticide and it seemed to work for a little while. I'm wondering if the ear mites came back and if there are other prescriptions or non-prescriptions other than miticide that might work better.  

First you need to have a vet look in his ears to determine if there are any ear mites. You don't want to treat him for them if there aren't any.

There are newer treatments for ear mites such an Ivermecton injection. As far as his eye goes, that needs to be looked at much closer than you can do at home. He could have something in his tear duct that is causing this tearing. The brown stain is from a substance in the saliva and tears of all animals.

Siamese cats are known for chronic Ear, Eye and sinus problems, so the sooner you catch this the better off he will be.