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itching and smell

18 15:54:20

My cockapoo is having a terrible time with itching and the smell is almost unbearable.  Our vet has given her shots and a medication to stop the itching but as soon as the meds are gone the itching and stench starts again.  I have been bathing her weekly with a shampoo that the vet prescribed.  she is such a good dog but the smell is getting really bad.  I think her ears are affected too.  Please advise me if you know of anything that I should be doing.  she also has a fatty cyst on her tummy side, but the vet says that it is ok..    It is getting bigger and is red.  please help

The medication she is getting is probably cortisone.  That is for allergic skin disease. She may have a yeast infection on her skin, which is very common in allergic dogs.  That gives a musty smell.  Ask your vet for a shampoo that kills yeast and a medicine to give that is effective against yeasts.  

If the ears are bad, the vet should do a cytology of the matter inside the ear canal to see what type of infection may be present.  Then he/she can prescribe appropriate ear medicine to help.