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My cat just had surgery on...

18 16:12:33

"My cat just had surgery on his left ear for a hematoma. It has returned in
the very same spot that was just operated on, and it looks worse than
before. What will cause this to keep comming back? He has had all his
shots and he had blood work done to rule out any diseases that might cause
ear problems. I am very worried.He acts like it is very painful and I
really want to find out what is causing this to happen to him.Thankyou for
your time.  

In cats, it is very hard to bandage the ear after this surgery.  The cat's ear flap can then refill with blood when the cat shakes its head.  There may be a deep problem in the ear canal that is causing the cat to shake.  It could be a polyp, ear mites, or a yeast infection.  It may be in the opposite ear, so ask your vet to check that out.  I try and do cats with hematomas with the laser because I can get good scar tissue to form without deforming the ear flap.  I also then suture them  and leave the stitches in for at least 2 weeks.