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18 14:38:09

My one year old lab has a bridging of his spine over two vertebra. When he was a puppy he had an obstruction which I had an Xray done, the eddy showed arthritis on his lumbar by his tail. He also had erliciosis as a young age which was treated by doxy.
Seven months later I asked for a second Xray as I felt he just was not right. These X-rays showed a bridging of two vertebra . He is on a month of doxy , prevacox. And the appropriate dog food with glocosamine and cajointent . He still can't get into or out of car with ought me lifting him but is running around the farm that I work like a dog his age should. My vet is very gloom and doom but I would like to know if any one has a miracle cure , or what life will be like for him. Or just feedback,...I love my Tucker so much I just want to do what's best for him

Spondylosis in a young dog is unusual. Just radiographic evidence of bridging does not mean that there is any disease process going on.  If there was a previous injury that may have calcified.  If the previcox helps, then use it every day.  There is something else I use for these dogs.  It is called ADEQUAN.  Talk to your vet about that.  It really helps many dogs.