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blood from my dogs penis

18 14:38:09

I have a Jack Russell he is around 7 yrs old, He is humping my leg and sometimes going after my son to do the same.  I noticed he is having some bloody drainage from his penis.  How can I stop him form humping my leg, and is the bloody discharge normal?

Bloody discharge is never normal. IF there is an infection or small stones in the urethra in his penis and he is painful, he may rub to relieve the pain.  If he is doing this as a mis-behavior, you will have to train him not to do that.  If there is something sexual about it, having him neutered may help.  Sometimes, we need to give dogs that hump things something to change their psyche.  I often use Elavil for that. HAve his urine and penis checked by your vet.