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my 5 month chocolate point

18 16:12:41

Hi, I hope you can help me. For the past 2 days, my male siamese hasn't been feeling well. He is usually very active but now he seems to be sleeping all the time. When he is awake, he rubs his mouth with both his paws. he also "lifts" both his lips as if there is something bothering his upper gums. My husband and I have looked inside his mouth and noticed that Nougat's upper gums are quite red. We suspect that it may be the fact that he is theeting. His appetite has decreased also. When he is eating you can tell that he is in pain. I will be taking him to the vet if nessacery. He has received all his shots. He is an indoor cat and has a big sister who is 4 years old. Can you help?

I am concerned that your suspicions of a possibility foreign body lodged in his mouth may be correct. It is not uncommon for cats to sharp food particles lodged in between their tooth and gums. Additionally, he may be suffering from an abscess created by an infection in his gums. I suggest you have him examined by his regular veterinarian. He will be able to do a thorough exam and use specific instruments to complete a comprehensive checkup of the area. If he comes to find no related problem, than he may feel the need to run blood work to help rule out any medical problems. I wish I could offer you more, but without being able to see and exam him for myself, I can not provide you with an exact diagnosis. Please do feel free to get back to me with any additional questions or concerns or even just to let me know what the diagnosis is.
                                      All the best,
By the way, love the name "Nougat" :)