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my dog is sick

18 15:06:18

my dog is 4 years old and  right before thanksgiving she was diagnosed with pancreatitis and it was also suggested she may have cancer because she the only treatment she responded to was steroids.  Her symptoms were vomiting, diarrhea, a lot of hair loss, muscle spasms, and loss of appetite and energy. After the hospital stay my mother decided to go toward the more natural treatment.  We are currently giving her natural kibbles and a formula that is supposed to help treat cancer.  She currently is completely normal.  She is eating regularly, the muscle spasms stopped, and her appetite and energy returned, the diarrhea and vomiting stopped.  The hair loss stopped for a a month; however, I realized that she started to loose a lot of fur.  Can anyone tell me what to do or what she has?  My parents already spent $5,000 and they dont plan on spending anymore what should i do?

There is no way I can tell you what your dog may have. It sounds as if she is doing much better with the food and treatment your mom has her on. Maybe she is just shedding due to the change in seasons.

If you want other opinions you can post this to one of the veterinarians in here. I am a vet tech and not qualified to tell you more than that.
Good luck and I hope you can find some answers.