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Sick Kittie

18 16:04:05

I brought my 2 year old cat, Kittie, to the emergency animal care clinic last night because she was keeping her third eylids halfway closed for about 24 hrs and had been very cranky. On the way, she had diarrhea and her diagnosis was diarrhea with mild fever. I have not seen her eat or drink anything for the last couple of days either (she normally likes to eat in front of me and yells at me to turn the faucet on for her drinking pleasure). I got a kitten a couple weeks ago and treated him for worms so the vet prescribed a dewormer just in case she had gotten worms from him. The meds Kittie is on  are Metronidazole (antibiotic) and Pyrantel Pamoate (dewormer) and she also had a cbc done to R/O leukopenia, which came out negative. I noticed this morning that she's been sounding congested and my roommate said he's heard her coughing a few times in the past week. My question is, in light of this new info, should I bring her to my regular vet or will her current meds take care of her cold if thats what these symptoms are from? Also, she either vomited or pooped a really long hairball. The reason I think she may have pooped it is because I have been treating her with that malt flavored hairball remedy up until yesterday, but the coughing may have been from her vomiting it. I would really appreciate your help, as I'm very worried about my baby.

hi Alicia,

go see your regular vet. A cat should not go anorexic for more than 36 hours. PLUS that ER you went to should have done a FULL blood panel not just a cbc. You also want her checked for felv/fiv while you are at it.

Get a second opinion. Unfortunately, like most ER's they treat the symptoms, not the problem.