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Puppy vs. Old Dog: HELP!!!!!

18 16:04:06

My husband and I are puppysitting a 8 month old Maltese who is crate-trained and knows many commands. Our dog, a 14 year old Maltese, has always lived with his own rules -- and without any other dogs. The puppy is very enthusiastic about engaging our old dog. Unfortunately, our old dog does not share any desire to make friends. Our dog is not actively aggressive and is content to continue his own independent routine. However,when the puppy tries to play or jump with our dog, the latter responds with barking, snarling, and occasional nipping. We are terribly afraid that this behavior will escalate and we are seeking any advice on how to mitigate any potential negative scenario. PLEASE HELP! Thank you

I would just keep the puppy away from your old dog so you don't stress him out (since this is only a temporary situation).  The best thing would be to keep the puppy on a leash, even in the house, so you can step on it and stop him from getting to close to your dog.  Or when it is puppy play time, put your dog in a room away from the puppy.  Unfortunately, some old dogs get set him their ways and won't accept new additions.  If they do get into it, you can throw water on them to break it up.