Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > CAT HAIRBALLS


18 15:01:17


  Hi  I have a cat that gets bad hairballs, I bought her some cat grass and it seems to help, since it dies out pretty quickly, I went to a local garden shop and they had wheat grass , I have never tried this and not sure if its good for her, She will not let me give her any of the medications that are lubricants , she rune away,. Also do you have any other suggestions on how to help with hairballs  

You should put her on a hairball control diet and take care of two things at once.
All diets are not created equal so only get the best- Science Diet Hairball control formula.

After eating this food for about 3 weeks you should see a noticeable difference in her fur and in her vomiting up hairballs. This food has a special formula made just to help pass these hairballs through the digestive tract while providing optimal nutrition with little waste.

It works very well, as we have used it at the clinic and had clients that say it works great.
So go to your local pet store or vet's and get a 4.5 lb bag and try it out. Feed what it says on the bag, don't just fill up a bowl. And you should transition her slowly over a period of seven days from one food to the other.

It takes 3 weeks for the body to absorb the different food and that's why it takes so long for it to show up.

Let me know how it goes when the bag is empty.