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sick cat not eating or drinking

18 15:09:36

My kitty is not eating or drinking anything.  He is occasionally throwing up bright yellow mucus.  He had a fever of 104.  The vet put him on antibiotics and told me to force feed food mixed with water.  He wants to do blood work but I can't afford it.  He doesn't seem to be getting any better although it does seem that his fever is coming down.  It looks like it hurts him to walk around although no injury was found.  Do you have any advice for me?  The vet was not very helpful when told I couldn't afford the blood work.

The reason he wants to do blood work is because he wants to see how high the numbers are for your cat's liver and kidney functions. It sounds like your cat has a really bad case of pancreatitis or liver failure.

Blood work is very important in a treatment plan. He cannot know what the best course is to take without knowing if it is your cats kidneys or his liver that is having the problem. Vomiting yellow bile is very serious.

Your cat is walking that way because his gut hurts- his stomach, liver and pancreas are inflamed and so he is hunched over from that. It's like us with a really bad stomach ache. All you want to do is curl up with a heating pad.

The antibiotics are helping with whatever is going on-which could be an infection somewhere- but with out the other drugs he might need there is no way to know.

He may need to be on a lower protein diet or one for cats with liver problems.

If you can somehow get the money for it, it would be very wise to get the basic blood work done.

I hope he gets well soon. Please let me know how he does.