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Umbilical hernia in newborn kitten

18 15:23:52

My cat just had 6 kittens 2 weeks ago.  2 days ago, my daughter notice that one of the little boys had a bulge on his tummy and I recognized it as an umbilical hernia.  Is this a major problem? I tried to assure my daughter that it is not (the kitten won't die from it) but she wants reassurance and my vet is on vacation.  I told her when we neuter him, the vet will repair it.  Was I correct in stating so to her?

A hernia can become serious though umbilical hernias not usually.  The main problem with a hernia is if a loop of intestine gets caught in the hernia and "strangulated" by it.  This can be serious, but you can also continue to observe him for this.  Make certain that the bulge always seems soft and reducible (you can flatten it down without difficulty or pain for the kitten).  Keep a watchful eye on him and if you notice any change in it then seen your veterinarian promptly.

Have a wonderful day.