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Gilligan - cat

18 15:09:10

Gilligan is taking Metronidazole, Prednisolone ( for lymphoma of stomach). His food is Prescription i/d (hills).
He is so hungry, almost taking food off my plate, for beef, chicken, anything salty ( cheese).
Giving him medication is not easy. Metronidazole won't stay down ( he spits it out ), so i grind it up, put it in a syringe with water ( a little pedialyte for flavour) and he foams at the mouth (drools).
I am wondering if there are any better food types (for satisfying hunger) and better ways to give metronidazole?
Any information would be appreciated and I would pass it on.
Thank you

Metronidazole is notorious for making cats foam at the mouth. For this reason we never have owners crush it and give it by mouth that way. This is a poke down the throat pill only. You need a piller from the vets or the pet store that will push it down past the gag reflex area that lets them spit it out.
Those have soft rubber tips for holding the pill and for pushing it way down the throat. The only other alternative is to coat the pill with cream cheese and hope that the cat doesn't bite down on it. Breaking the pill in half is not recommended and cats don't wolf down their food like dogs so that makes it hard.

I/D is a great food but is lacking in fiber. It is much like eating solid chicken soup all day. You can either add some pumpkin to his food or ask your vet about feeding him some W/D with it. W/D is full of fiber but is still gentle to the gut. The I/D is quickly moved through the digestive tract so that there isn't any residue to irritate the stomach and intestines.

Hopefully this will help. Let me know if it does.