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Cat using furniture as bathroom

18 15:48:24

We are in a rental while our new home is being built. We have been here three month and in the last week my male cat has started using the furniture as his new bathroom. I have used a spray that is called Boundary, but it is not doing any good. How can I get him to use his very clean litterbox and stop  using our furniture.
Thank you,


I would have a urine sample checked to rule out any underlying urinary tract infection, crystals or inflammation as stress can bring on a case of FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease).

Secondly, what I would recommend is adding another litter box and using CAT ATTRACT LITTER -- -- as well as purchasing FELIWAY/Comfort Zone diffusers to help ease the stress associated with the transition.  In addition, you can add RESCUE REMEDY into his water dish to help ease anxiety.

You must understand that cats do not adjust very well to change and this situation is very stressful to him.

Good luck,
Dr. Fry