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im worried

18 15:18:50

My grandmother owns a Chihuahua and she is 14 years old. She has been loosing her fur for a while now and just recently she got a huge knot under the skin of her lower stomach. She seems to stay in pain a lot. This knot is not smooth and round as a regular knot is, it is very exotic feeling and it makes us very concerned. She has been in our family for a long time and i would just like to know what could be wrong. thanks

Hello Jessica:  I understand she is a well loved family memeber.  She needs to be seen by a VET.  It may be a fatty cyst or it can be more involved.  Only a vet can tell you what is going on.
Sorry, I just can't be of more help to you.

I will be thinking of you.

Marie Peppers
The Doggie Chalet Hotel