Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > YORKIE ITCH


18 15:19:07

QUESTION: My 2-yr old female Yorkie began experiencing quite a severe itch on her hind hip.  It really is driving her nuts.  She licks and licks it.  The itch wakes her up from a sound sleep.  I bathe her regularly with  doggie shampoos.  She doesn't seem to have a scab or redness on that area (at least that I can see).  She does have two scabbies (about the size of a grain of rice) on her upper back - though these don't seem to be disturbing her.  What can I do to ease her angst over this itch???

ANSWER: Martine:  I am sure your little girl has an allergy to the environment and foods.  You can start her on a Grain FREE food like Innova EVO.  ( 99 % meat)....
Give her your food and the new food mixed together.  After about a month switch to 100% of the new grain free food.
If you can't find the Innova EVO , I may be able to suggest another brand.  

Next, give your baby 50 IU of vitamin E ( 1 per day).... This will help the skin and swelling.

Last, Start your kid on NuVET Plus - this is a skin and coat supplement and Immune System Blaster!!  
BELOW is the info on How to order the NuVET Plus - guaranteed to help or they WILL refund your money:

Let me know in about a month, how she is doing on the NuVET, food and Vitamin E.

Thanks and Good Luck!


NuVET Plus

The BEST Immune System Booster in the USA.

****Ask for (NuVet Plus).

The order code is 81098. ***
You will need this order code in order for NuVet to process your order as they do not sell to the public without a referral from either a *** breeder or veterinarian. ***

Their telephone number is: 1-800-474-7044 (P.S.T.). Don't forget to tell them the order code number: 81098. You can also order through their web site.

Will cost you about .55 cents per day for the NuVET

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I SINCERELY appreciate your prompt and thorough response to my question!!  I am willing to try anything at this point.  So, I will do my utmost best to find the recommended products.  I am saving your message to my computer in order to refer to it as needed.

I have heard that Apple Vinegar sprayed on the boo-bo and also given by syringe orally are good treatments.  WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THAT??

Once again...THANKS!  I am so pleased with your service that I definitely will pass your website along to others.

yes, Thanks for your kind words!  
As for Apple Vinegar, it can sting.  I like Tea tree oil, on a wound ,rather than the Apple Vinegar.
Tea Tree oil will get rid of bacteria and clean the area 100%.

I know Apple Vinegar is good for many ailments.  Just know it can sting a bit.

Yes, make sure your try my suggestions.....Won't cost you much at all!

BEST wishes - And Good Luck
