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Cat Skin Tumors.

18 16:05:42

Hi, I'm not sure if I'm asking the right person, but my cat has two strange bulby things (looks like bumps) that are red, and the area around it does not have any fur, and is easily visible. My cat seems fine, and unirritated by these things (one close to the anus and the other on its back).
I was looking around the Internet for an answer, but as I do not know what this condition is, I need help!

Thank you.

You really should let your vet take a look at these lesions.  Without seeing the areas and examining them carefully, I cannot tell you what they are. Many skin tumors in cats are malignant, so if it is a tumor it is better to get it off now rather than waiting.  If it is not a tumor, it may be treatable and it may get better with medication.