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im worried about my dog

18 15:56:28

Alright, my dog, Lucky, and 4 of my beagles somehow opened the door to my attic and were runnin around under my house so when my dad found out he got all the dogs out and nailed the door shut so they couldnt get back in. well turns out, lucky got shut in there and we got him out the next day wen we heard him bark. I brought him in and got him some food and water and then pet him till he fell asleep. but for the past couple days (it just happened 3 days ago) he has not been acting like himself. and he has a couple scabs in places that dont hurt when i touch them but they still worry me. one thing i am questioning is he has these little black grains on his back and if i barely touch them it itches him soo bad. could he be in shock? i dunno what to do and im worried...thanx!

Hi Chrissy!

Poor puppies!It's a good thing you rescued them because they could have starved and got dehydrated down in that attic!It's good you found them all!

Flaking or scabs.They can be a sign of parasites,allergies or a skin disorder.

As for those black grains,they could mouse droppings.You can just clean them off.

You should take notes of everything abnormal your dog does.Then,call your veterinarian.Read him the list of abnormal things he has done and your veterinarian will be able to tell you if he needs veterinary care or not.

If your veterinarian says your dog does need a veterinary care but you are low on money,ask him if he can make a deal with you.Each month or week you can pay him $10,for example,until you are all paid off!

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give Lucky and those Beagles millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!