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Wont sleep through the night

18 15:18:55

We've inherited my fathers 14 year old Yorkie. Sullys problem is that he won't sleep through the night. He wakes up on average between 2 and 4 times through the night to go out to pee. During the day, while we're at work, Sully is gated in "his room" which has paper on the floor which he gladly uses. We gate him in the same room at night. I am wondering what I can do to help him sleep through the night.. I don't understand why he won't pee on the paper at night. This isn't a new problem. My father had the same problems with him at night. He's been vet checked extensively over the past few weeks and there is no sign of infection or inner problems. My vet thinks he's just spoiled but I'm at a loss as to what to do. She did suggest a 1/4 to 1/2 a childrens gravol to assist with his anxiety when in the car. Would this work for nightime?? My hubby and I work long days and need our sleep and his bark is so shrill that it's almost impossible to ignore. I'd appreciate any advice you can give me.


A dog should be able to hold their urine throughout the night with no problem.  

You mention that Sully has been "vet checked".  Was a urinalysis done?  If so, is he concentrating his urine?  If a urinalysis has not been done I recommend having one done to determine whether Sully has a urinary issue or not.  There is a symptom of older pets called PU/PD - polyurea/Polydipsia - which in english means drinking too much and urinating too much.  It is a symptom of many many diseases, some that can be managed or cured and some not.

Other medical issues that can cause lack of sleep in dogs is dementia (very common in older pets) and arthritis pain (also common in older pets).

Now if your vet has checked his urine and he is concentrating his urine normally, does not have dementia, and has no arthritis pain, then what you have is a behavioral problem.  I suspect that Scully knows that you are home and wants to be taken out rather than use his paper in the corner which is why he is trying to get your attention (no matter what the cause).  If you actually go get him every time he barks or even sometimes when he barks, you are reinforcing that behavior and he is much more likely to repeat it since he got your attention once.  Sort of like people at slot machines.  If they get one payoff, they are likely to sit there and repeat the behavior of putting coins into a machine until the payoff happens again.

I would speak with your vet again and see if all medical issues causing lack of sleep have been addressed.  If so, then I would ask your vet to recommend some behavior modification tools to help before reaching for pharmaceuticals.  But as a last resort, there are things the vet can give your pet that will help him sleep.  I doubt gravol will do much....

Good luck to you.