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Atropine - Length of Dilation

18 15:42:50

Dear Dr. Fry,

My cat has an corneal ulcer.  The veterinarian presribed atropine, to be administered once a day to dilate her pupil.

I have administered the atropine two days ago, and my cat's eye is still fully dilated, so I haven't given her any since 2 days ago.

Is the eye supposed to be dilated for this long?  She is 17 years old -- is her age a factor?  Has the atropine caused harm?

Thank you.

Normally it does not last that long, but is typically only given once a day.  I would consult your regular vet about this since he knows her history.  I would discontinue it's use for now but continue antibiotic ointment in the eye to help treat the ulcer and prevent infection.   It should not have caused any harm, but there may be some other underlying problem so I would take her back to the vet as soon as you can.