Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > Worried


18 14:32:52


My long-hair chihuahua (1.5yr old) has had 2 small pimple-like bumps under her right eye (from which she is also now missing fur) for the past week that looked like little red pin pricks at the start, but which have now developed into larger bubbles. what could this be?? initially, i thought maybe she scratched her self on something and has been scratching it since, but i don't think that's it now. she is an inside dog, has not fought with any other dogs, etc.

very worried now!!

Pretty hard to tell from the internet Mike. You need to get her into a vets pronto and have that looked at. It does warrant a vet visit.

She could have a tooth issue that you can't see. Some of the tooth roots are up in that area and if they become infected they can come through the surface like that.

Time to call the vet!! Please let me know what you find out.