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Paper eating cat

18 15:56:01

Hi Jennifer,

I choose you for this question because your profile states you have a special interest in cat behavior. I'm hoping you've come across this scenario before. Can you please tell me why my cat eats paper, if it's bad for her and what I can do about it. We have 4 cats (3 female, 1 male), all spayed/neutered, indoor cats and they all get along well. She only eats paper from my husbands office desk which is located in the basement. The food bowls and litter pans are also located in another room of the basement. They are all up to date on their shots and healthy. Her twin recently had her gums scraped and two front fangs removed due to gingivitis. Could she also be having mouth problems or is she maybe just bored? We've gotten to the point where all paper is stored in boxes but now she's turning to boxes.  Please help!

Thank you,

Hi JoAnn

Many times cats like the noise of the paper--they will play with it when it is crumbled and when batting it around, bite it.  When my cats were kittens they loved to eat toilet paper and to this day, they will chew on tissue paper if it is laying around or the newspaper when I am trying to read it.  My one cat also has a tendency to lick plastic...I chalk it up to a bit of obssessive compulsive disorder.  Your cat may be bored and if has the need to nosh, you could try planting some cat grass.  You can also try spraying bitter apple on the paper and boxes to discourage her.  Also try getting her some cloth sacks of catnip to play and chew on and actively play with her for at least 15 minutes a day using pole toys or a laser pointer.  But if it is only paper, I would not worry.  If she takes a liking to ribbon, string, twist-ties or rubber bands, these things can cause intestinal blockages if ingested.