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9 mth malti-poo and possible knee problems

18 15:13:32

I have a 9 mth old malti-poo who just recently started favoring his right hind leg.  I noticed about a week ago every once in a while when he runs hard and jumps he starts holding up his hind leg.  He never wimpers or cries when this happens and he only favors it for a short while and then he is ready and raring to go again.  I don't recall any injury to the leg.  The first time I noticed him doing this was when he was playing with another dog.  This has been going on for about a week now and I have been doing some reading on this breed and was wondering if this possibly could be patella luxation.  He is not overweight and is very active.  I have not taken him to the vet I thought maybe it could be something else and with time it would heal.  If it is patella luxation is this something that will bother them for the rest of their life and is there anything that can be done other than surgery.

                     Thanks, Cheryl

Hi Cheryl - the luxating patella is a common problem with little ones.  I don't know what level or even if he has this.  You would need to see a vet for an x-ray.

We can try some supplements and see if they will help him.  They should be good for him!  Here are my suggestions for pets that have level 1-2-3 Luxating Patellas...

~~~ Next - We need to get some NuVET Plus and NuJOINT Plus into this boy -
It will cost you about ....- NuVET will be about .50 cents per day and the NuJOINT will be about .75 cents  per day.
Not sold in stores - must have a VET's code or Breeder's Code - use mine and they can sell to you - they don't sell to the public without a code -  Marie Peppers LPN MA ( All Experts) # 81098

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I am here for you and your boy.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask a VET / Pet Nurse
Doggie Hotel Owner - The Doggie Chalet  
Pet Chef

Please give me an e-mail a few weeks after he has started the NuVET and the NuJoint...
talk to you soon