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14 yr.old Westie Male

18 15:18:39

I have a 14 yr.old male Westie, Mac, and he is pooping in his sleep as well as when he is just walking through the house.  I haven't liked what I've read on line and would like some sort of idea what might be going on with him.  I've noticed his legs tremor or shake when he is alseep; however, I don't see any poop right away after this happens.  I usually find it in the morning in the bed or under his tail.  It is solid and just a small turd.  He also can just be walking through the house and turns just plop out.  This also happens when he gets excited.  I'm hoping this is just old age but would like to know what I can do to control this...any ideas on how to cut down the size of a Depends?  I told my husband that Mac cannot help it.  It's like he farts and a turn pops out.  Please help.  Mac is my baby and I'm not looking forward to this aging process.

Gail -

This is not something that can be settled over the internet.  It is absolutely necessary that you take your dog to a veterinarian to be examined.  Due to his age, there are many reasons that he is experiencing fecal incontinence.  The doctor will request bloodwork and possible radiographs to determine why he is having problems controlling his poop.  

Have a consult with the doctor - he/she can help you determine the best treatment for your pet.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM