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Strange Behavior

18 15:53:23

Hi!  The past five days, my sweet, affectionate, active, 8 yr. old cocker spaniel has not been herself.  She's been very sleepy and lazy at night, looking out of sorts when awake.  She gets restless when sitting in my lap.  Lucy usually wakes up with the alarm in the morning, but this past week she won't even raise her head.  Her breathing seems faster than normal and has been panting more than usual. She also seems to be drinking more water than usual.  This morning, when I tried to leave for work she whined and scratched at the door.  I went back in, gave her a favorite treat that she ended up just spitting out, so tried to leave again.  She whined and scratched again.  I decided to see if I could get her into the vet, but could only make an appt. for tomorrow.  While I was getting my stuff ready for work, Lucy followed me every where I went or just sat there staring at me like she wanted my undivided attention.  She has been eating, but only about 1/4 to 1/2 of the food I leave for her, then she'll eat the rest later.  I'm not sure if she's depressed or if there is an underlying illness.  I am really scared and worried about her.  I was wondering if you could give me some insight on what could be wrong with her.  As I said, I do have an appointment at the vet tomorrow.

Thank you.


Hi Aimee!  I definitely understand your concern, and I am very happy that you are able to get her to your veterinarian tomorrow.  
This does sound as though there may be an underlying ailment.  Unfortunately, the list of possible ailments is very broad and your veterinarian will most likely need to do some blood work to figure out what exactly is going on with her.  I do wish I could be of more help and I'm sure that you'll find the answers you need and deserve at your vet appointment tomorrow.
If you have time, please let me know how the appointment goes and how Lucy is doing.
I'll be thinking of you!