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Dr.Gotthelf, ...

18 15:46:04

           My cat has suffered on and off for
2 years with a skin rash,itchiness and hair loss
I have him back on z/d product I purchase thru
my veternarian-my question is:most of these
sores are on his head and neck and he doesn't
mind wearing a bandana-is there something
topically I can put on his sores to heal them
perhaps alleviate some of the itchiness-I have
tried "human products"like calamine,etc but it
always makes me worry...also he is wonderful for
like 2 weeks after receiving steroid injections
but that does not last and I have been told is
detrimental to him long term-Any suggestions-I
know he is suffering-sometimes he rubs the fur
right off himself and that is w/o claws-Thanks

This skin rash around the neck indicatees an allergy, but probably not a food allergy.  This is called miliary dermatitis and is most often associated with either flea allergy or pollen/mold/insect allergies. Ask your vet to give your cat a shot of DepoMedrol to see if that will take these crusty pustules away.  If it does, this long acting steroid can be given every 4-6 weeks.