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Inappropriate feline defecation

18 15:53:45

I have 3 cats, 2 that go outdoors, and 1 that does not. The cat that does not go outdoors is an approx. 9 year old, neutered female. We've have her about 5 years, adopted her after she was given up by previous owner. She has recently started defecating in the house in various spots and I can find no reason for this. She is the only one who uses her litter box, which we keep clean. There have been no changes in the house; her diet, her housemates both human and animal, her sleeping arrangements, everything has remained the same, so I can't understand why she is doing this. I'm losing patience, can you help?

Hi Beth,

first off before you blow your top on this remember you are sharing a house with a cat that uses the BOX not outside like the other 2.  Cats will drive you insane! I have 5 all with problems and they are worse than my 16 month old :)

My first recc;
1. take her to the vet for an exam, this could be metabolically related since she is 9.

2. get a product in the diffuser form called FELIWAY. this could be a stress induced problem and this product CAN help with stress that you are not seeing.

3.add another potty box. you must have 1 plus one extra box per cat using the box. thats the rule with cats.

good luck!