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Appetite loss

18 15:53:45

I brought home a shih-tzu from a kennel last Sunday and have not noticed any major conditions. She seemed to adjust well. Her appetite also appeared normal. However, I  noticed that she did not finish her breakfast this morning. She eventually finished it but it was unusual that it took her so long. What caused me alarm was that she did not appear interested in her dinner either. She ate her snack without any problems. There was no change in her diet so what might be causing her loss of appetite? We have been feeding her a mix of powered milk, water, dry food, and canned food. What could be causing her loss of appetite?

One more thing, she scratches her ear a lot. So I gave her a bath with a tick/flea formula shampoo. She continues to scratch her ear and other parts of her body. Please advise.

Thank you

The flea and tick shampoo may have made her sick.  If she is scratching her ear, it may be due to an ear infection.  The scratching of other areas could be due to fleas, skin mites or allergies.  Your best bet is to give her a bath is dish soap NOW to wash off any of the flea and tick shampoo and TAKE HER TO THE VET.  She could also have intestinal parasites such as Coccidia, which is very common from dogs in a kennel, that could be causing her upset stomach.  In addition, you should not feed her any human powered milk as dogs are like lactose-intolerant people.