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dog having trouble swallowing

18 15:53:57


      My dog the last 2 days seems to be having
trouble swallowing (does eat his food)he is
7yr old yorkie about 14 pounds have any idea
what can be wrong and can I do anything before
I call the Vet.


PS I noticed he wasn't barking as he always does.

Hi Dominick!  Small dogs often have a problem with their tracheas.  They will develop a collapsed trachea when walking on a leash with a collar as the force of the collar on their tracheas is just too much over a period of time.  If you are using a collar, this would be my first guess. A vet visit will be needed and surgical intervention may be required to repair his trachea.  Try using a harness, as this will not cause any pressure on the trachea and surrounding area.
I hope this helps and please keep me posted!