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kitten hairloss

18 15:40:22

I have a kitten who has had difficulties since birth. His littermates are already twice his size and for a time I didn't think he would make it but recently he began to play and act like a normal kitten. This morning my son noticed something wrong with his face but couldn't really say what was different. This evening he has lost all the hair around his right eye and it is very red. I also found that his tail is also losing hair and seems to be darker in color. e is acting normal, for him, and isn't itching or scratching. Money is extremely tight right now and I am not sure I can afford a vet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am not only concerned with the kitten's health but the health of my other pets and my child as well.

My best guess would be some type of ringworm fungus.  See if you can find something at the drug store that contains miconazole or clotrimazole and apply it twice daily.   Sometimes ringworm is contagious to people so make sure that you and your kids wash their hands real well after handling the kitty.