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Can humans get mange from animals

18 15:44:39

I have this horrible itching and red splotches all over my body (and the worst are where my bra goes, the band of my underwear and under my breasts).  It started about 4 weeks ago and seems to be getting worse EVERY minute!  Before I go on, I must add that we had some puppies that had this horrible mange that eliminated ALL their hair that my daughter and I finally bathed in permethian (sp?) - about 5 weeks ago!  I also have Lupus SLE and MS - which really makes mine confusing.  My husband has a comprismised immune system also with his diabetes - and he is now itching almost as badly as I am.

At first, I thought it was the MS...then the Lupus.  I have gone from one gamut to the other but the first thought on my mind was the really bad pup we bathed (he had NO hair left at all) and how I got him all over my arms - lifting him, etc.  We have also had several more pups (from the same momma dog) to have this type mange (which I am conviced is not sarcoptic but demodectic) and all have sort of disappeared.  The last one, I doctored for a week before it just went missing.  I had no qualms about picking it up, etc. and guess I should have (I am an animal lover and have always been and guess I just don't use good judgement).  Now, my 3 year old grandson is itching and my daughter started to complain several days ago about the same little bumps I started with (and still get) that are water-filled.  My right arm looks awful as does most of my torso.  My immune disorders keep me from staying in the heat too much anyway, but when I do (like yesterday), I am a horrible person to be around.  After I scratch so viciously, my skin becomes tight and sore and stings something awful.  My breasts hurt really badly where all of this itching has been going on.  

I felt like I got this first because I have such a lousy immune system and I am the most devoted to all my animals (and the most stupid?).  Then, my husband and now.....My MS and Lupus drs. have prescribed Atarax and I had tried Benadryl - both with NO luck.  Now, I just take an Atarax every 4 hours WITH a Vicodin 750 - that way, when it doesn't stop the itching, it halfway makes me not care.  I take so many medicines that I cannot just try anything - and have been doing research on this on the computer but have really hit anything concrete.  I just wondered if I am correct in believing this is human demodex and if I need to see a dermatologist or one of my other specialists.  I HAVE to see someone in the next couple of days as my last two weekends have been a living hell.

My main question......could I have my puppies case of the demodex mange and how hard is it to get rid of?  Is there anything I can do right now to ease my pain and misery?

Sorry this is so long...but I am in a perpetual state of misery and NEED help!  Thanks.

Demodex mange is not contagious to people, but sarcoptic mange (also called Scabies or the Mad Itch) is highly contagious.  Have all of your animals treated for sarcoptic mange by your vet and tell your physician that your puppies have sarcoptic mites.  Your doctor will prescribe an insecticide for you.

Scabies mites crawl on skin until they encounter a blockage of their passage, like elastic (your bra and panties).  Then they burrow into the skin causing the rash and the itching.