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Urinating and my Puppy

18 14:11:20

We have an 11 mo. old male neutered Lhasa Poo. He is housebroken and in good health. He is up to date on his shots also. We have a problem with him peeing when guests visit. Even if he has just been out for a walk he still urinates some. Since he is excited he usually wets peoples feet. We have tried having people ignore and make no eye contact with him. Do you think we have a chance he might still out grow this? Do you have any other ideas? He is so good, never has accidents other than this. Your help will be appreciated. Thank you

What he has is called "submissive wetting" and it's very common and is usually outgrown. Only very skittish, submissive dogs won't outgrow this and that isn't common. Some adult dogs will do it when they submit to another bigger or more alpha dog.

You are right not to make eye contact with him but don't punish him either. He isn't trying to be bad and cannot help this. It is handed down from the days of the wolf and it's very dominant in wolf packs still.

He is just showing you and your guests that he is "at your service and whim" and that he loves you.

Because he is good and doesn't bark or jump up he should be rewarded for that after he settles down some.

But yes, he will outgrow it.