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kitten that is lifeless

18 14:04:31

Today we took our 14 week old kitten to the vet. Her belly is very bloated. She was givin 3 enemas today. Sent home with us 2 meds. A laxative and a antibiotic. Well at home several hours latter. Our kitten is not drinking and is very lifeless. Please help.

I's sorry your kitty is so sick. Did your vet test this kitten for FIP (feline infectious peritonitis)?

Was it given any tests at all, such as FIP> FELV>FIV or anything? Enemas are only going to help if she is constipated and kittens are rarely constipated.

Bloated bellies are a sign of either FIP or worms- such as roundworms, or an intestinal obstruction (usually from a worm overload).

You need to get this cat back to a vet and have her tested for one of these viruses. I know it's late but I hope that you took her back already.

The vet should have tested her for these things- it's the first step in determining what is going on with her.

You know that there is nothing that can be done via the internet and that a kitten this ill needs to be seen again if she isn't better in a short time. If your vet won't test her take her somewhere else.

She needs to be seen right away and checked for worms and these viruses.
I really hope that she makes it. Please let me know how she does and if you got her into a new vet office.