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my 14 yr old chow chow

18 15:30:22

Recently, Simba was at the vet for a routine visit. The vet found that his right hind knee was swollen, and contained a lump, as it was not smooth. He was concerned about a torn ligament or tendon. He mentioned putting him under anesthesia to take xrays. Then they could administer an anti-inflammatory or pain killer.

1. I am not so sure about putting a dog of his age under anesthesia.
2. I simply cannot afford such procedures.
3. Is there a more holistic approach we can take?

I love my dog very much as I have owned him since he was six weeks old. He still wants to go for his walk and play with his bone. I would never have guesses there was anything wrong with him by behavior.

Any advice?

Thank you,

Simba and Aimee

If your dog appears to be walking normally and doing the testing that your veterinarian suggested is not financially possible there are a few things you can do at home.  If there is a problem in the joint, over time it can worsen and become more painful with the onset of arthritis.  Below I will list some products that you can use to help get ahead of such arthritis and try to limit its affects.

There are some specially formulated diets made such as Hill's (Rx j/d) and Purina (JM Joint Mobility) which are formulated to include important joint health supplements.  If it is not feasible to switch his diet it can also be helpful to limit his intake and keep him at a trim weight (not knowing your dog's weight, it is possible he already is).

In regards to dietary supplementation glucosamine is considered to be the most important substance, being a building block of cartilage and joint fluid.  You can check your local pharmacy or health food store for the products they have available.  The dose for a 70 lbs. dog would be 2,000 milligrams of glucosamine per day, divided into morning and evening doses.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also being found to be very helpful at reducing the inflammation related to arthritis.  Dosage for a 70 lbs. dog would be 1,500 - 2,000 milligrams of Omega 3 fatty acids per day.

Best of luck to you and your canine companion.