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6 month old Shitzu with blood in his eyes

18 15:29:27

Hi i have a 6 month old shitzu, he lives indoor and NEVER goes outside. On
friday I took him to grooming and when he came back I noticed he had blood
on the upper part of one eye under his eyelids and there was no blood in the
other eye. 2 days went by and then i noticed he had blood on both eyes. :( I
took him to the local vet  and he did a blood test and said his blood vessels
were normal. And he said he didnt know what the puppy had that he was
going to give him vitamin K to help his blood clothing  or something like that.
:(  im really worried if u can give me some info or if you know something
about what he has  plz let me know i will really appreciate it!!

Sorry Victor but when it comes to eyes you really need to have a vet look at them. If he is six months old he could have just bumped them or rubbed them until a blood vessel broke in either eye. Are his eyes runny? Sometimes they get so much discharge from their eyes that they burn so they rub them.
But one thing that makes me suspicious is that you said when he came back from the groomers. I am wondering if they didn't use  something on him that started this, like a shampoos that got into his eyes or something.
He could even be having an allergic reaction to something they used on him there. I have seen many dogs have various problems with groomers and chemicals.
You might want to start investigating there at the groomers then tell your vet that it started after he was groomed.
That might give him more to work on.