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I want to be a veterinarian...

18 14:28:05

Hi. I'm 16, and I've know that I wanted to be a veterinarian since I was in the 6th grade. I just want to know how was you road to becoming a veterinarian. Was it hard? Please provide as many details as possible to help to foresee what it is that I am going into

The two most important keys to success in becoming a veterinarian are to work at a veterinary clinic a lot (or with a veterinarian in any setting) and to be very very resourceful. Visit the veterinary college closest to you. (I visited CA, COLO, OHIO and 2 zoos on a cross country trip when I was 13). By the time I was 18 I had visited 10 veterinary colleges, read 100 books on veterinary medicine and animal care, had worked for veterinarians for 7 years and was keeping my grade point average very high.

If I were your adviser, I would not suggest you ask a busy practicing veterinarian every detail to becoming a veterinarian. I would suggest you do a lot of your own independent research on the internet and in the library. Then write up all your information and formulate additional questions you would like answered by specific people Read my bio on all experts to see the area I specialize in (holistic approaches) and ask me about those areas (again -research first, then ask me specific questions).

There are many people who will help you if you are specific and show that you have been resourceful, educated yourself already on the issues.

Also, begin now to carefully edit your questions for proper grammar as that will be critical to being accepted to veterinary college.

Good luck - we need more wonderful and caring veterinarians.