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Please I need your help.....Its urgent

18 15:22:30

After my bitch had whelped her puppies (11 puppies)
she killed them one after another; she started
burying them and sitting on them without any good reason
till she managed to kill them all (she seems to be in
a huge distress) , But only one female puppy
has managed to survive. Out of my biggest shock I have
isolated her from the mother and started to take care of her by myself
(she is 4 days old puppy) I started tubing her cow milk
mixed with egg yolk and sugar every two hours,
and I stayed the whole night watching over her
.however, the first day she eat and potted
,but the second day her behavior changed and I think she began to miss her mother;
her temperature is dropping and she doesn't stop mewing unless I hold her in my both hands
,So please tell me what do I have to do .I am so worried about her .Shall I return her back
to her mother or there is something else that I can do.
(Just for the records,  I live in a town in which there
is no good or reliable vet) .please answer me  as soon as possible this is my Email  

I am sorry to hear that this bitch did this to her litter, however it is not unusual behavior for a first time bitch or one that feels threatened.However it is inadvisable to breed a bitch like this of this isn't her first litter.

You cannot feed this puppy cows milk and sugar. This will only cause a slow death. Puppies need puppy milk replacer which is available at most feed stores, wal-marts and veterinary hospitals.It has a composition that is made to be just like the composition of bitch's milk.

You need to keep this puppy warm, like on a heating pad with towels under it and around it and feed her puppy milk every two hours. The first day she may have had some mothers milk in her but after that the cows milk is causing her to become malnourished. They cannot digest cows milk any better than we can.

So get her some Esbilac or Nurturall PUPPY milk replacer and feed as directed. Use a bottle as a tube is a sure way of aspirating her unless you have tube fed many, many puppies.

Once the bitch dries up you can have her spayed then you won't have to deal with this again.
Good luck with your little girl. I hope she makes it.