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my shih tzu

18 14:42:37

My Milo is a year old my daughter recently got a rabbit and Milo has since urinated on my couch and bed. he has never done anything like this EVER he never has accidents in the house more or less on our furniture. Is he jealous what can i do to help him.

I don't know about jealousy but maybe territorial. Is Milo neutered? If he isn't he should be. I would also be careful as this dog sounds like he might hurt this rabbit.

It is hard to make a rabbit and a dog be friends but it is possible.

Intact dogs are going to be much more territorial about any new animal in the house, so neutering is the kindest and best thing for him. If he is neutered, then you need to get some training into him, basic obedience training will make it easier for him to obey you in other ways as well as directly.

If these things don't work, I would worry about maybe some organic issue, like a bladder infection or stones. Some times the only way a dog can try and make you see he is having a medical issue is to start some inappropriate elimination.

That always gets our attention! So get him into the vet's and have him looked at to make sure there isn't a medical problem going on as well or alone.