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diarrhea and sickness

18 14:42:26

i'm from Pakistan. i have an seven week alsaction puppy he became sick and also have diarrhea past 6 days i give him "calpol suspension" for sickness and "flagyl suspension" for diarrhea and all of this medicine was given by the animal specialist but there is no change in his condition and i am also not satisfied with the doctor.please help my puppy because he is not drinking the milk and losing his weight.please reply fast

The first thing you need to do is take this dog off of all milk and milk products unless it is a puppy milk replacer. Those are not made with milk. Dogs cannot drink milk, they have no ability to digest it once they are weaned from their mothers and it causes major diarrhea.

Flagyl is an antibiotic. It is given for bacterial diarrhea but you don't know if the puppy has this.

This puppy should have had a fecal test done on it to see what kind of parasites it is suffering from. It could have a lot of roundworms, hookworms, or even coccidia, which is a protozoan and causes massive diarrhea and weight loss.

He could also have Giardia, which is another protozoan that causes major diarrhea and weight loss in humans and dogs.

Get this puppy back to the vet and have his stool tested with fresh stool for these parasites.

He could also have parvo virus since he is young and they get it right after they are weaned. This is a virus and it is deadly most of the time. Again, he should be tested for that and treated with IV fluids and supportive antibiotics.

Find another vet if this one isn't helpful.

These are the things I would ask the vet about. I hope he does better and gets well soon.