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ears and skin - poodle

18 15:22:08

Hi don't know exactly what kind of poodle i have(small/medium white) but he has been suffering really bad skin rashes on his chest mainly. Its scablike and is sometimes a small red spot but can get very big. My vet said its baby ticks and gave me some dip u put on horses... but i have two other dogs and their skin is fine. also his ears get very itchy and he shakes his head a lot (to my knowledge this is bad for him or potentially bad) . i have put drops for ear mites and ear canker in that seems to be working, just didn't know if would be relevant to his skin problem.

Ear disease and skin disease go together.  Most of these problems are allergies. Have you seen ticks onthe dog.  That is a weird place to have a tick.  They usually live in folds of the skin.  MAny of these rashes can be controlled with medication like steroids and antibiotics.  Sometimes shampooing the area helps.  Have a qualified vet that looks at lots of skin check the dog for you.